Psychologist Evgeniya Artemyeva told how not to kill a child’s personality

12.05.2023 13:54

Raising a child is a complex and responsible process that requires parents to have patience, knowledge and the ability to find a balance between the desires and needs of the child and their own expectations and demands.

Psychologist Evgeniya Artemyeva told how not to kill a child’s personality.

One of the main tasks of education is to preserve the child’s personality without killing his individuality.

The first thing to understand is that each child is unique and has his own characteristics. He may be more active or calm, more emotional or reasonable, more creative or analytical.

It is important to respect these characteristics and not try to change the child to suit yourself.

Secondly, it is necessary to take into account the age characteristics of the child. Younger children need more physical closeness and care, older children need more freedom and independence.

You shouldn't demand too much independence from a small child or too much control from a teenager.

Third, it is important to consider the interests and needs of the child. If he does not like to play sports, do not insist on it, it is better to find other types of activities that he likes.

Photo: Pixabay

If a child does not want to learn a musical instrument, there is no need to force him; you can offer other types of creative activities.

Fourth, it is important to be able to listen to the child and take his opinion into account. The child should feel that his opinion is important and respected. This will help him develop independence and make responsible decisions.

The fifth piece of advice is not to compare your child with other children. Comparing your child with someone else can lead to negative emotions and complexes in the child.

Every child is unique and has their own characteristics that need to be respected and accepted. Comparison can also create competition between children, which can negatively affect their relationships and self-esteem.

It is better to focus on developing your child's individual qualities and abilities rather than comparing him or her with other children.

Finally, it is important to remember that parenting is a process that requires time and patience. You should not expect instant results, it is better to gradually work on the child’s development and take into account his individuality.

Ultimately, preserving a child's personality is a task that requires parents to be understanding, patient and respectful of each child's individuality.

Parenting should be based on love and support, not on strict control and demands.

Author: Valeria Kisternaya Internet resource editor