What You Shouldn't Say to Your Children to Avoid Ruining Their Lives: Many Parents Are Sinful with These Words

30.04.2023 13:26

It is no secret that it is the parents' opinion that is the basis of the child's future life. Adults should remember that children trust them infinitely.

Therefore, one careless phrase, said as a joke or simply thoughtlessly, can ruin the life of a little person in the future.

We will tell you what these phrases are that you should not even say mentally.

1. "Nonsense, not scary, not painful"

Comments of this kind make a child doubt the correct assessment of the situation, his strength, feelings and himself. This is how a person can grow up who does not trust himself. In the future, he will be manipulated by enemies.

2. "I don't care if you don't want to"

If a child does not want porridge for breakfast or bread for lunch, and he is forced to believe that there is simply no other option, then his values and desires may recede into the background. In the future, his opinion will be replaced by someone else's.

Child Hands
Photo: © Belnovosti

3. "Who are you like..."

The analogies can be the lines "Just like your father!" or another relative who, in the eyes of third parties, appears as not the most successful person. The child can become a party to the conflict, and also believe that the person with whom he is compared is really bad, which is even worse.

4. "Don't disgrace me!"

If you don't carefully tell your child something like "go away" or "I'll never let you down" you can raise a person who will be afraid of other people's opinions and attention.

It is also wrong to scare a child with a “scary bogeyman,” the police, or blackmail him by saying that he will not get a treasured toy if he does not do what he is told.

You shouldn’t get carried away with phrases like kitten, bunny and other comparisons with cute animals, as well as comparing the child and his abilities with other children.

But the height of recklessness is the phrase "I don't love you." It is unlikely that a child will forgive either parent for this.

Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. 1. "Nonsense, not scary, not painful"
  2. 2. "I don't care if you don't want to"
  3. 3. "Who are you like..."
  4. 4. "Don't disgrace me!"