Products that beat stress have been named

26.12.2024 12:17

Unfortunately, stressful situations often arise in this life: at work, at home, in markets and shops, in public transport.

Often, many people fail to quickly “come to their senses”; experiences continue to torment them for a long time, which has a detrimental effect on their physical health.

Several products recommended by experts can help solve the problem.

Eggs. Rich in iron, protein and choline, which stimulate active brain function.

In addition, protein supports metabolism and ensures normal energy exchange.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Bananas. Improve mood, but it is not recommended to eat more than 1-2 fruits per day.

Bananas contain many microelements and vitamins that are beneficial for the body.

They also contain fiber, which prolongs the feeling of satiety, and fructose and glucose instantly saturate the body with energy.

Nuts . Also help improve mood.

Due to the abundance of protein, copper, magnesium, and riboflavin in them, metabolism is normalized and active brain function is maintained.

But, as in the case of bananas, you should not consume this product in excess.

Tangerines and oranges. Rich in vitamin C, which is involved in providing the body with the "happiness hormone".

But you shouldn’t overeat, otherwise you may develop an allergy.

Author: Pavel Gospodarik Internet resource editor