Dangerous products for men have been named: they hit the most important thing – testosterone

07.05.2024 20:56

It is safe to say that health is a person’s habits, lifestyle and diet.

While women watch what they eat because they want to be attractive and slim, for men this point is far from being in the top three or even top five values.

But poor nutrition affects the most precious thing for every man – testosterone, sexologist and psychotherapist Evgeny Kulgavchuk said in an interview with Radio Sputnik .

What foods are harmful to men's health

1. The doctor starts the list with coffee. If a man drinks more than three cups a day, then a failure in the adrenal cortex may occur, which will affect the production of testosterone.

2. Then the consumption of alcohol, especially in large quantities, which also negatively affects the production of male hormones.

Photo: Pixabay

3. Next on the list is mint. It calms not only the nervous system, but also other parts and functions of the male body.

4. It is not for nothing that beer stands apart on this list. In addition to the fact that it is an alcoholic drink, medicine has proven that alcohol has a negative effect on testosterone production.

Another problem is that the drink is rich in phytoestrogens, which are analogs of the female hormones estrogen, which reduce testosterone levels.

5. The specialist also recommends that men exclude products containing soy from their diet.

In addition, the following have a negative effect on potency:

  • sweet soda (in addition to sugar, it contains additives such as aspartame and monosodium glutamate);
  • refusal to have a full meal and generally not following a diet;
  • and also a hearty dinner.

Let's sum it up

To sum up, the doctor points out that not only sexual desire, but also a man’s energy and competitiveness depend on testosterone levels.

Previously we talked about how to deal with mosquito and midge bites .

Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. What foods are harmful to men's health
  2. Let's sum it up