Who should definitely eat radishes: recipes for every day

09.04.2024 05:50

Radish, the beneficial properties of which are known to almost every resident of our country, is the most common vegetable during the period of spring vitamin deficiency.

It is radish that pleases us with its vitamins every spring.

The beneficial properties of radishes help to recover from a long vitamin deficiency. It is enough to eat just one small bunch of radishes - and the daily requirement for vitamin C is provided.

The root vegetable is about 3 centimeters thick, with thin skin of red or white-pink color. The homeland of this vegetable is Central Asia. Radish was known and used as food in Ancient Egypt, Rome and Greece. Radish was brought to Russia by Peter the Great.

Useful properties of radish

Radish, which has diverse beneficial properties, is rich in magnesium, iron, calcium, potassium and phosphorus.

Photo: © Belnovosti

In addition, radishes contain various vitamins. The mustard oils in them give the root vegetable its sharp taste.

The root crop ripens early. It seems as if nature specially prepared such a valuable gift for man.

This vegetable contains a large amount of fiber, which normalizes cholesterol levels in the blood. Radish also effectively removes waste and toxins from the body.

The calorie content of radish is low - one hundred grams of radish contains 14 kcal. This vegetable will not allow the body to lose vitamins, and at the same time will help to effectively lose weight that has accumulated during the period of eating heavy and fatty foods in winter.

It has been noted that fasting days based on radish have a beneficial effect on the health of the body.

You need to know how to choose radishes. Their skin should be smooth, without black spots, even and elastic. If there are black spots on the root crop, this indicates the presence of rot inside it. Radishes with tops are stored for no more than three days, and without tops - about a week.

It is necessary to mention that radishes contain a lot of phytoncides. And they are natural antibiotics and help strengthen the immune system.

Radish helps the body build new cells, so it is highly recommended for pregnant women.

Japanese scientists say that radishes can effectively combat cancer and stabilize sugar levels.

If you are prone to colds, you should drink radish juice mixed with carrot juice.

Regular consumption of this vegetable invigorates, makes the walls of blood vessels elastic and improves complexion.

It is worth knowing that you cannot eat radishes during periods of exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases. This does not mean a complete rejection of this healthy root vegetable, you just need to significantly reduce the amount consumed.

Radish - recipes

Radish, the recipes for which are numerous and healthy, must definitely be present on our tables.

Radish salad

To prepare the salad, you will need fresh greens: dill (60%), onion (20%), parsley (20%). The greens must be washed and finely chopped. Thoroughly washed radishes are cleaned of wormholes and spots.

The greens are placed in a deep bowl, and the chopped radish is thrown in there too. The shape and size of the chopped radish are chosen to taste. This salad should be seasoned with vegetable oil. The salad is thoroughly mixed and served.

Pickled radish

To prepare pickled radishes you will need:

• soy sauce – 2 tablespoons;
• sugar – 1 tablespoon;
• salt – 1 teaspoon;
• table vinegar – 2 tablespoons;
• radishes – 30 pieces.

Thoroughly washed radish is cut into slices. The filling is prepared, for this it is necessary to mix all the components of the marinade well. The cut radish is poured and mixed.

After this, the plate with radishes is sent to the refrigerator for a day. After a few hours, the juice from the radishes will cover the chopped root vegetable completely, now it is necessary to mix everything thoroughly one more time.

Pickled radish is a good snack for vodka, shashlik and various other meat dishes. It can also be used as an addition to main courses.

Earlier we talked about what condition for healthy weight loss is considered the most important .

Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Useful properties of radish
  2. Radish - recipes
  3. Radish salad
  4. Pickled radish

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