Biologist names 4 secrets of health and longevity

08.09.2023 18:52

If you want to stay healthy as long as possible, you need to remember four rules.

Professor Heidi Tissenbaum spoke about them, Insider reports.

As the specialist noted, to begin with, you need to partially or completely give up sugar.

Still, it is a harmful product that affects the development of diabetes, kidney problems, heart and blood vessels, and can also affect the development of Alzheimer's.

It should also be taken into account that a sedentary lifestyle also leads to health problems. At least light exercises should be performed daily. Brain training should not be forgotten either.

Photo: Pixabay

More attention should be paid to nutrition. The diet should be healthy and varied. The emphasis should be on whole foods, fruits, vegetables and berries.

Another secret is optimism. As the specialist said, studies have shown that a positive attitude helps to prolong life.

Author: Olga Kotova Internet resource editor