7 Natural Foods That Can Lower Bad Cholesterol Without Drugs

07.04.2023 02:30
Updated: 15.04.2023 03:26

Cholesterol plays an important role in the human body.

This is a lipid of fatty nature. It is necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous system and immunity, for the production of female and a number of male hormones, vitamin D.

In medicine, a distinction is made between “good” cholesterol and “bad” cholesterol.

“Good” cholesterol is responsible for the smooth functioning of metabolism, for the quality work of the stomach and intestines, and for the condition of blood circulation and blood vessels.

The liver synthesizes the bulk of cholesterol (75 to 80%). The rest is absorbed from the intestines, comes from bile, which the liver produces and secretes into the digestive tract, and from food eaten.

Photo: Pixabay

The quality of functioning of all processes in the body depends on which cholesterol, "bad" or "good", is more in the vessels. It is possible to maintain the necessary optimal level of cholesterol without medications.

Medicine has proven that lowering the level of "bad" cholesterol reduces the incidence of heart and vascular diseases. A major role in normalizing cholesterol levels is given to proper nutrition.

The correct menu consists of adding foods containing healthy fats: omega-3 fatty acids, increasing pectin and fiber, and reducing harmful fats.

Consumption of such products has a positive effect on reducing “bad” cholesterol and bringing “good” cholesterol to normal levels.

Products with healthy fats include high-fat fish, flaxseed, sunflower and olive oils. Pectin and fiber are found in various vegetables, fresh herbs, fruits, berries, and dried fruits. Legumes are useful not only for their proteins, but also for their fiber.

The best fresh greens are parsley, dill, lettuce, spinach, and cilantro. When choosing fruits, you should give preference to citrus fruits, apples, bananas, pears, and oranges. Raspberries, blueberries, and plums are also considered healthy foods.

Of the vegetables, it is better to choose pumpkin, avocado, cauliflower and broccoli. Including all types of legumes in the diet will also help lower the level of "bad" cholesterol.

The Best Foods to Help Lower "Bad" Cholesterol

Sea fish

High cholesterol levels in the blood can lead to the formation of blood clots in the vessels. It is enough to include 100 g of fatty fish twice a week to reduce the risk of thrombosis. This is facilitated by the omega-3 fatty acids contained in fish. Most omega-3 is found in tuna, mackerel, salmon, sardines.


Nuts contain monounsaturated fats and arginine, which helps the liver remove toxins. Just 30 g of nuts will help remove low-density cholesterol from the body.

Products containing natural fiber

Fiber helps remove "bad" cholesterol from the body. The best sources of fiber are bran, cereals, fresh vegetables, fruits, and greens. Eating 25-30 g of fiber-containing foods can reduce the risk of atherosclerosis. Citrus fruits, oranges, tangerines, lemons, apples, and others cleanse blood vessels of "bad" cholesterol and remove it.


Beetroot contains betacyanin. It is involved in liver protection, improving liver function at the cellular level, and reduces the amount of "bad" cholesterol in the blood.

Linden flowers

Linden flowers contain flavonoids quercetin, hesperidin, kaempferol, saponins and phytosterols. Flowers are dried and then used as tea, powder or decoction. This plant is used to treat many diseases, including hypertension, neurological, respiratory diseases. It relieves swelling, reduces temperature, lowers cholesterol.


Ginger root is poured with boiling water or added to tea. You can drink it both hot and cold. Gingerol, which is part of the ginger root, helps to reduce the amount of "bad" cholesterol for a long time. After treatment with ginger, the enzyme tyrosine kinase is activated, it processes "bad" cholesterol into "good".

Flax (seeds and oil)

Flax, its seeds and oil will help reduce cholesterol levels and improve metabolic processes. Flax seeds can be consumed every morning, one spoon at a time. Flaxseed oil can be added to green salads and vegetable dishes. Alpha-linolenic acid, contained in flax seeds and oil, reduces the content of fats in the blood. The risk of atherosclerosis is reduced.

General nutritional recommendations

Nutrition should be complete and balanced. The diet should consist of breakfast, lunch and dinner, snacks should not be allowed. Snacks are usually those products that are contraindicated for high "bad" cholesterol. Only such conditions will help improve health.

You cannot eat confectionery, margarine, various breakfast cereals, fast food. From confectionery, you can rarely indulge yourself with dark chocolate. In order for food products to bring benefit and not harm, you need to steam, stew or boil them, but not fry them, especially in deep fat.

Lack of water leads to the deposition of fatty plaques in the vessels, so drinking regimen should be given due attention.

Proper drinking regimen promotes normal functioning of the gallbladder.

When it comes to drinks, green tea and herbal infusions are the best. Avoid coffee and black tea. In folk medicine, cholesterol levels are reduced with alfalfa, dandelion and fragrant callisia infusions. It is necessary to monitor the amount of food eaten and never overeat.

Depending on how much the cholesterol level in the blood has increased, in addition to the diet, the treatment system includes a regime of physical activity, sleep and rest, special diets and the rejection of bad habits.

Smoking, drinking alcohol, overeating, and a sedentary lifestyle lead to excess weight and obesity, which in turn increases cholesterol levels.

Physical exercise, running, swimming and long brisk walking will help you lose extra pounds, normalize your metabolism, and reduce your “bad” cholesterol levels.

Lack of sleep can lead to serious health problems. It reduces immunity, increases the level of "bad" cholesterol, and increases the risk of heart and vascular diseases.

Only a comprehensive approach, consisting of proper nutrition and drinking regimen, giving up bad habits, adequate sleep, and physical activity, will lead to good results and improve health and quality of life.

Author: Elena Gutyro Internet resource editor

  1. The Best Foods to Help Lower "Bad" Cholesterol
  2. Sea fish
  3. Nuts
  4. Products containing natural fiber
  5. Beet
  6. Linden flowers
  7. Ginger
  8. Flax (seeds and oil)
  9. General nutritional recommendations