6 nutritional rules that will help you deal with cellulite

21.02.2023 14:41

Before spring and the beginning of the summer season, many representatives of the fair sex think about their appearance a little more.

One of the common problems that women face is the appearance of cellulite.

It is considered that this is a deviation from beauty standards. In fact, everyone knows that "orange peel" on the thighs is a normal phenomenon, which is also related to physiology.

But you can still make cellulite less noticeable. To do this, you need to change your eating habits. Improper nutrition can only make the problem worse.

Doctor Peter writes about this in more detail.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Experts recommend, first of all, reducing the amount of salt in the diet.

You also need to stop eating at night, especially if the person is over 40 years old.

In addition, it is important to remember that the combination of food and alcohol at night provokes swelling, which may not go away for up to three days.

A sedentary lifestyle, lack of sleep, stress and bad habits also aggravate the situation and have a negative impact on the body. In addition, you can't let diseases get worse, but it is important to treat them in time.

Dermatologist Tatyana Zakharchenko named several nutritional rules.

According to the doctor, nutrition should be correct and balanced. The protein norm is about 80 grams per day, and fats - 60, as for carbohydrates - 100 grams and below.

For breakfast, you can choose eggs, but you can combine them with vegetables. Cottage cheese with yogurt is also suitable for a morning meal.

As for lunch, it is advisable to pay attention to protein food (poultry, fish or lean beef) and also mix it with vegetables. You can also take any side dish, but in the finished form it should not be more than 100 grams.

Fruits or berries are good as a snack, but you shouldn’t eat more than 200 grams at a time.

As for dinner, ideally it should be fish or seafood, as well as vegetables. The latter can be added as salads, stewed or grilled.

It is important to maintain a drinking regimen so that the body functions normally. Here the norm must be calculated individually, based on body weight.

In addition, you need to give up sweets, fast food, sausages, pickles and other unhealthy foods.

Author: Olga Kotova Internet resource editor