Gastroenterologist names instant noodles as cause of heart problems

08.02.2023 11:40

Everyone knows that such a product is not considered healthy. It is advisable to eat it as rarely as possible, and it is better to completely refuse it.

It's all in the noodle-making process.

Gastroenterologist Evgeny Belousov told Gazeta.Ru about this in more detail.

The thing is that it is immersed for a few minutes in boiling palm oil, which replaces moisture. As a result, the dish can be cooked in a couple of minutes using boiling water.

But it is necessary to consider that palm oil settles on the walls of blood vessels, which leads to cardiovascular diseases. If you often eat instant noodles, then in the end this will also lead to an increase in blood sugar and problems with blood pressure.

Photo: Pixabay

During the conversation, Belousov also added that the harm of such a product does not end there.

It is important to take into account that such noodles are harmful to your figure, as they are a source of fast carbohydrates.

Noodles also contain many additives and preservatives. As for the last point, one of the most harmful preservatives is sodium glutamate. It is dangerous for children, the elderly, and also for nursing and pregnant women.

Author: Olga Kotova Internet resource editor