The designer spoke about the nuances of repairs when laying laminate and wallpapering.
Igor Zur Designer's tips apartment renovation laminate household tricks Design and interior 9 January 2025Annoying accidents can spoil even the most careful renovation. What to do if a small section of wallpaper is damaged? Don't think that the only option is to re-paper the entire room.
Elena Shimanovskaya wallpaper Designer's tips Design and interior 20 November 2024An expert explained why you shouldn’t glue wallpaper before installing a stretch ceiling.
Igor Zur apartment renovation ceiling repair errors Designer's tips Design and interior 12 August 2024Narrow rooms, unfortunately, are not uncommon – they are especially common in Khrushchev-era apartments built during the Soviet era.
Elena Shimanovskaya wallpaper narrow room small room Designer's tips Design and interior 26 July 2024Owners of small apartments know like the multiplication table that a light palette expands the space.
Elena Shimanovskaya wallpaper kitchen small kitchen Designer's tips Design and interior 25 June 2024To choose the right wallpaper pattern, you need to take into account the features of the room, the interior style and other details.
Igor Zur color selection drawing Designer's tips mistakes in interior Design and interior 6 February 2024Many people are used to using bread exclusively for food. But it should be noted that such a product can be useful in everyday life.
Olga Kotova bread wallpaper life hacks useful tips and life hacks Useful tips 13 January 2024Those who have decided to update the wallpaper in their room should definitely pay attention to non-woven wall coverings.
Elena Shimanovskaya wallpaper repair Designer's tips Design and interior 13 December 2023Tips to help you choose between wallpaper and paint when decorating your walls.
Igor Zur Designer's tips home renovation dye interior in the apartment Design and interior 11 December 2023No one will argue that the classic version of bathroom finishing involves the use of tiles.
Elena Shimanovskaya wallpaper bathroom Designer's tips Design and interior 6 December 2023If you are planning to refresh your living room, tips on what wallpaper to choose for this room will come in handy.
Elena Shimanovskaya repair wallpaper living room Design and interior 30 November 2023