Your Oven Is Lying to You! Why Baked Goods Always Burn Even When You Follow the Recipe

22.02.2025 16:40

You put the pie exactly at 180°C, as the blogger advises, but after 20 minutes it is already blackened at the edges and the middle is raw.

Sound familiar? It's all due to your oven's "temperature conspiracy."

Most home ovens heat unevenly: the back wall is hot, and the middle is barely warm. Manufacturers know about this, but are in no hurry to change the technology - after all, this way you will buy a new model faster.

Photo: © Belnovosti

How to check your oven? Place slices of white bread on a baking sheet and turn the heat up to 200°C. After 10 minutes, you will see where the bread has burnt and where it remains pale. These are the “hot spots”.

How to combat this? Buy an oven thermometer (it costs as much as a cup of coffee) and place it on the rack. You will find out that your oven is “lying” by 20–30°C, and adjust the temperature.

For example, if a recipe calls for 180°C and the thermometer shows 210°C, reduce the heat. Another secret: always place the baked goods on a level lower than the recipe states.

And never open the door for the first 15 minutes - the temperature change will cause the pie to settle.

After a month of practice, you will start baking biscuits without cracks, bread with a crispy crust, and even master meringue.

And also, forget about the convection mode: it is only needed for industrial ovens, but at home it creates chaos.

Valeria Kisternaya Author: Valeria Kisternaya Internet resource editor

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