Why Put a Dish Sponge in Your Washing Machine: A First-Class Product

10.12.2024 18:36

A dishwashing sponge is a secret ingredient that experienced housewives throw into the drum of the washing machine during the next wash.

Why do they do this?

The answer is actually simple: this unassuming product is a first-class means of collecting hair and pet fur that has a habit of accumulating on clothing.

The sponge is especially effective when it comes to cleaning coats, jeans and clothes that are covered in pellets.

Important: you cannot use the sponge, so to speak, in its original form.

Washing machine
Photo: © Belnovosti

Before sending it to be washed along with other clothes, it is necessary to remove the hard layer from it.

It is needed when you wash dishes to make it easier to remove stuck food and other dirt.

But during washing it only causes harm: this part of the dishwashing sponge can cause snags and other defects on the fabric.

That is why only the soft part is allowed to be placed in the drum. And the last important point: the sponge should be present in the washing machine only during washing, and when the items are rinsed, it should be removed.

Elena Shimanovskaya Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources