It seems like there's nothing more useless than the brown skin of an onion. But what ends up in the trash is actually a treasure trove of useful properties.
Decoctions of onion peel strengthen the immune system, treat inflammation and even slow down aging.
Let's talk about the hidden benefits of onion peel.

For example, quercetin is a powerful antioxidant, which is found in the peel several times more than in the onion itself. It fights free radicals, protecting cells from damage.
But how exactly to use this “gift of nature”
Strengthening health
Start with simple tea. Pour a liter of boiling water over a handful of husks, boil for 5-7 minutes, let it brew.
This drink not only strengthens blood vessels, but also reduces blood pressure. If you add honey and lemon, you will get an excellent remedy for colds.
You can also freeze the decoction in ice cube trays and wipe your face with it in the morning – your skin will become smooth and inflammation will decrease.
Countryside life hacks
Gardeners know: onion peel is a natural insecticide. Soak it in water for a day, strain it and spray the plants. Aphids, spider mites and other pests will disappear without chemicals.
And if you mix the husk with the soil when planting vegetables, the harvest will be richer - it enriches the soil with microelements.
Cooking tricks
Cooks will also appreciate the life hacks. Want the broth to be golden? Add the peel of one onion to the pan.
Rice or potatoes will acquire an appetizing hue if you cook them with this “secret ingredient”.
But be careful
The peel can accumulate pesticides. Therefore, use only onions grown without chemicals.
And do not abuse decoctions. In case of allergies or gastrointestinal diseases, consult a doctor.
And onion peel is also the history of our grandmothers. Previously, it was used to dye fabrics, treat wounds and even in rituals.
For example, it was believed that if you scatter husks at the threshold, it will protect the house from the evil eye. Today it sounds like superstition, but the fact remains: nature gives us everything we need, even in what seems like garbage.