How to distinguish real sour cream from a fake in 30 seconds: there are 2 very simple ways

16.01.2025 07:54

Are you unsure about the quality of the sour cream you recently bought?

Then check the fermented milk product!

There are two very simple tests: they allow you to quickly find out whether sour cream is natural.

Testing sour cream with iodine

The fake fermented milk product contains a minimum of cream. But it does contain starch and other additives.

Iodine will help you find out whether there are any extra components in sour cream.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Take a small but deep enough container, put 1 spoon of sour cream in it and drop 2 drops of iodine.

If the fermented milk product starts to turn dark grey, then this is a bad sign: the sour cream is of very low quality.

But if adding iodine turns the white thick mass into light brown, then everything is fine.

Testing sour cream with boiling water

Place one spoon of sour cream in a transparent glass container and pour boiling water over it.

A natural fermented milk product will definitely dissolve in water, which has a very high temperature.

But low-quality sour cream will “behave” differently: it will turn into lumps and then end up at the bottom of the container or, conversely, float to the surface.

Now you know how to quickly distinguish real sour cream from a fake.

Kurchev Anton Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief

  1. Testing sour cream with iodine
  2. Testing sour cream with boiling water