New Year is rushing towards us, almost on our nose. This means that it is time to “register” in your home the main beauty of the holiday – the fir tree.
In order not to make a mistake when buying a live tree, to buy a really good tree that will last as long as possible, you should take into account some nuances.
When choosing a living tree, first of all pay attention to the condition of the needles - they should not be dry.

If the needles are yellowed, you should know that the tree was cut down a long time ago.
It is worth touching the needles: they should bend, but not break. And if you shake the spruce, the needles should not fall out. At least, in a recently cut tree.
Don't be shy about asking the seller to remove the netting from the tree - this way you will be able to examine it more closely.
By the way, the tree branches should be flexible, not dry.
Take the tree in your hands, estimate its weight – the tree should not be light in relation to its size (the weight indicates how fresh and saturated with moisture it is).
The ideal living spruce should have the shape of a pyramid with a circular arrangement of branches and an uncut top.
The branches should be flexible, not dry, and the needles should be emerald green and smell of pine needles. If you rub them, your fingers will become oily.
The trunk of the spruce must be straight, without cracks.