Many housewives joke that white tulle can only be seen in a store, since at home it quickly turns yellow.
If such curtains are hung in the kitchen, then changes can be seen in just a couple of days.
Let's figure out how to return this fabric to its original white shade.
The problem is that dust and street dirt easily settle on tulle – in addition, it is a very delicate fabric.
Many people use bleaching agents, but this fabric is quite vulnerable to the effects of household chemicals.
It turns out that whiteness can be achieved by using ordinary table salt.
Fill the bath with water and add 3-4 tablespoons of table salt. Next, you need to mix the additive well so that it dissolves well in the water.
After this, we put the tulle in water and leave it to soak in water for 4-5 hours. After this, we thoroughly rinse the fabric.
Then leave it to dry until all moisture is gone. Only then can you hang the curtain back up.