How to Make the Air in Your Apartment Fresh and Pleasant: 5 Effective Methods

15.06.2023 00:01

The smell in an apartment can be different: tobacco, damp, sewer, pungent, etc. It not only spoils the mood and comfort, but can also be harmful to health.

How to deal with this problem and make the air in your home fresh and pleasant? Here are five effective methods that will help eliminate unpleasant odors in your apartment.

1. Ventilation and humidification

The easiest and most accessible way to get rid of odors in an apartment is regular airing. Open the windows for at least 15-20 minutes several times a day, especially after cooking, smoking or using chemicals. This will remove excess moisture, dust, germs and odors from the room.

If the air in the apartment is too dry, it can contribute to the spread of dust and allergens, as well as increase the smells from furniture or textiles. Therefore, it is recommended to humidify the air using special devices or folk remedies: for example, put wet towels or containers with water on the radiators.

2. Cleaning and disinfection

Often, unpleasant odors in an apartment arise due to contamination of various surfaces: floors, walls, furniture, textiles, etc.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Therefore, it is necessary to carry out regular cleaning using detergents and disinfectants.

Particular attention should be paid to places where bacteria and fungi can accumulate: for example, sewer drains, refrigerator, trash can, dishwasher, etc.

If the smell has penetrated into the soft upholstery of sofas, armchairs, mattresses or pillows, you can use a vacuum cleaner with a furniture attachment or special foams and sprays for cleaning textiles.

You can also sprinkle baking soda on surfaces, leave it for a few hours, and then vacuum it up. The soda will help neutralize odors and refresh the fabric.

3. Aromatization

To give a pleasant aroma to the air in the apartment, you can use various aromatic products: candles, air fresheners, aroma lamps, diffusers, etc.

However, it is worth remembering that they do not eliminate the cause of the smell, but only mask it. Therefore, before aromatizing the room, you need to thoroughly clean and ventilate it.

When choosing aromatic products, it is better to give preference to natural components: for example, essential oils or plants.

Such aromas not only smell nice, but can also have a positive effect on mood and health. For example, lavender, rosemary, geranium or eucalyptus help to relax and calm down, while lemon, orange, mint or ginger invigorate and tone.

4. Folk remedies

If you don’t want to buy expensive or chemical products to combat odors in your apartment, you can turn to folk recipes.

There are many simple and affordable ways to freshen the air in your home using what you have on hand. Here are some of them.

• Place lemons or oranges, cut into quarters or half rings, around the rooms. These fruits have a fresh citrus scent and contain natural antiseptics.

• Place jars of coffee beans or ground coffee on windowsills or shelves. Coffee absorbs odors well and gives the room the aroma of a freshly brewed drink.

• Hang cotton bags with lavender, cloves, cinnamon or other aromatic herbs and spices on radiators or other warm surfaces. They will release a pleasant scent when exposed to heat.

• Mix equal parts vinegar and water and spray the solution around the rooms with a spray bottle. Vinegar will neutralize unpleasant odors and disinfect the air.

5. Turning to professionals

If all the above methods do not help to get rid of the smells in the apartment or if the smell is very strong and unpleasant (for example, after a fire or flooding), then it is better to seek help from professional disinfection and deodorization services. They use special equipment and preparations to clean and freshen the air in the room.

Such services operate throughout the country and offer various types of services: for example, ozonation, ultraviolet irradiation, cold fogging, etc. Prices for such services depend on the area of the premises, the degree of pollution and the chosen method.


Odors in an apartment can be different in origin and intensity. They not only create discomfort for residents and guests, but can also have a negative impact on health. To get rid of them, you need to identify and eliminate the source, carry out regular cleaning and disinfection, ventilate and humidify the air, use aromatic agents or folk recipes. If these methods do not help or if the smell is very strong and unpleasant, then you should contact professional disinfection and deodorization services.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Internet resource editor

  1. 1. Ventilation and humidification
  2. 2. Cleaning and disinfection
  3. 3. Aromatization
  4. 4. Folk remedies
  5. 5. Turning to professionals
  6. Conclusion