You'll be cracking walnuts in a second: this is what smart housewives do

25.05.2023 16:00

No more suffering and tricks in order to enjoy healthy fruits.

Many people don't like the hassle of handling walnuts, so they don't buy or grow them.

Others purchase a special device or use a knife, hammer or other tool to crack the tough "armor".

The quick way

Clever housewives have come up with a trick that will help you forget about the problem once and for all. All you need is a saucepan, water and a stove.

Fill the container with water and place the container on the fire. Bring to a boil, then lower the nuts into the boiling liquid. From this point, time exactly 3 minutes, and then throw the fruits into a colander.

Photo: Pixabay

Once the nuts have cooled, all that remains is to gently separate the shell into two parts.

How to use eggshells in the household

Walnut shells can be useful for summer residents. For example, they are used as a soil fertilizer. The shells are crushed and added during digging to improve the soil structure and plant nutrition.

Dmitry Bobrovich Author: Dmitry Bobrovich Internet resource editor

  1. The quick way
  2. How to use eggshells in the household