Which floor in the house is better: pros and cons of living on different floors

05.03.2023 02:30
Updated: 14.04.2023 11:26

When buying an apartment or even just renting, most people do not want to live on the first floor.

In this article we will tell you what the advantages and disadvantages of different floors are.

First floor

It is immediately clear why this floor is not liked. The basement directly under the residents is damp and cool, so mold may appear. If the sewer suddenly breaks, then the "aroma" will have to be breathed in on the first floor.

Frequent guests are mosquitoes and cockroaches, and to get rid of them, you need to at least clean the basement. Torn boys can often break glass. Of course, there are many disadvantages, but there are also advantages. You don't have to walk a long way up the stairs to the apartment.

In high-rise buildings you don't have to pay for the elevator. In many high-rise buildings the water sometimes doesn't reach the upper floors, but there are no interruptions on the ground floor.

Photo: © Belnovosti

The first floor is convenient for those with small children - the stroller can be quickly pulled out. But this is only while the child is small, and then it is better to change the place of residence. The presence of mold can have a detrimental effect on health.

Middle floor

If you ask almost any person what floor you want to live on, the answer will most likely be the same – the 3rd or 4th.

These floors are so popular because no one can break the windows, and if the sewer in the basement breaks, the smell won't get there. And if the roof starts leaking, the third floor won't suffer either.

It doesn't take long to get to the apartment. If the elevator breaks down, even an elderly person can easily get home. It's also not very difficult for a mother with a baby to lift the stroller. There are many advantages, and there aren't even any disadvantages, it seems.

Top floor

The top floor, at first glance, seems like an absolutely ideal option. But many do not think so. Although you are very far from the basement and the smell and dampness are not scary for you, but if the elevator breaks down, then going to the ninth floor is very problematic. And then there is the leaky roof and spoiled your ceilings, and from it, by the way, mold also forms.

Apartments that are on the upper floors, especially corner ones, freeze very often. This means that one of the rooms in the apartment suffers from the cold every winter, and the wallpaper in the corner always cracks.

These are the advantages and disadvantages of different floors of different houses. In any case, any house purchased with your own money will be loved and cozy.

And various troubles associated with the roof, basement or something else will be compensated by the fact that you will know that this is our home, and nothing will prevent us from being happy in it.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. First floor
  2. Middle floor
  3. Top floor