Many housewives face the problem when terry towels not only smell, but actually stink of dampness.
It is not always possible to overcome this problem by soaking or washing at 90 degrees.
And special air conditioners are of little use.
The thing is that you can only get rid of this “aroma” if you disinfect the textiles.
Hydrogen peroxide, a product that is available to everyone, will help you with this.
Simply place the towels in a basin and soak them with the solution until they are completely soaked – this may take several bottles (depending on the size and number of items).
After 3-5 hours of soaking, rinse the towels in warm water and then wash in the washing machine.
It is better to add detergent in the form of a gel to the powder compartment - it is better washed out of the fabric and does not make the villi hard.