A pleasant aroma in the home is a separate task for housewives who value beauty and comfort.
People go to all sorts of lengths to make their home smell delicious: from homemade sachets to incense sticks.
Using perfumes and sprays is not cheap, so various tricks and devices come to the rescue.
However, aromatic sticks turned out to be not so "harmless". As Roskachestvo pointed out with reference to Belgian researchers, pleasantly smelling substances are harmful to the health of all residents of the house or apartment.
Scientists have found that the sticks emit dangerous substances during smoldering. The smoke with a pleasant smell is in fact little different from a smoking room.
“There is virtually no difference between using these products and smoking in the home,” the department emphasized.
Smoldering incense sticks cause headaches, dizziness, nausea, eye and lung irritation.
As experts have pointed out, regular use of incense can cause serious health problems.