Experienced housewives do not store flour in the cupboard with cereals.
They found a better place for the product, thanks to which insects do not start in the flour.
The usual method of storage leads to spoilage of flour, in which midges may appear.

The optimal temperature for this product is between +5 …+18 °C, so the ideal storage place is the refrigerator.
In such conditions, flour is protected from mold and insects. The product is stored twice as long.
But the flour should be prepared for placement in the refrigerator. First, the product should be in a sealed container. The ingredient will absorb foreign odors.
Free access of air generally worsens the quality of flour. It should be noted that the product of the highest grades contains less fat, but spoils faster than flour of the second grade.
Secondly, you need to find a convenient place away from the door. Flour is not used as often as many other products.