Not all people manage to draw the right conclusions in certain life situations.
Kurchev Anton problems psychology psychological attitudes thoughts People and Events 7 October 2024There are phrases that a happy person will not say.
Kurchev Anton signs phrases behavior People and Events 29 August 2024If there is a deeply unhappy person in your circle, then you should help him: give him moral support, entertain him, etc.
Kurchev Anton misfortune signs behavior dreams People and Events 2 August 2024When entering into marriage, many representatives of the fair sex are confident that family happiness awaits them. Unfortunately, not everyone's hopes are justified.
Kurchev Anton women women in relationships women's behavior signs Love and Family 12 July 2024Not all representatives of the fair sex succeed in creating a happy family.
Kurchev Anton women signs women's phrases Love and Family 29 June 2024Not everyone knows the signs by which one can identify an unhappy person.
Marina Michalap misfortune happiness advice from psychologists People and Events 28 April 2024