Warm weather is expected in Belarus in the days before New Year and on New Year's Eve.
Precipitation will fall in the form of wet snow and rain.
BELTA reports this with reference to Belhydromet.

What will the weather be like in Belarus from December 27 to January 1
On Friday, December 27, light rain, fog and ice are forecast in some areas, with light ice possible at night and in the morning.
At night there will be from 1 degree below zero to 5 degrees above zero, during the day the air temperature will be +1-6 degrees.
On Saturday, short-term precipitation in the form of rain and sleet will occur across the country.
In some places, light ice and fog are possible, at night and in the morning – ice. Temperatures during the day will vary from 0 to +6 degrees.
On Sunday, light, short-term precipitation in the form of rain and sleet is expected in many areas.
Ice and light fog are possible in some places. Temperatures during the day will vary from -1 to +5 degrees.
On Monday, short-term precipitation (rain and sleet) and light ice are forecast in some areas, with ice and light fog expected at night and in the morning.
During the day, strong winds of 15-20 m/s are possible in some places. At night, it will be from -2 to +4 degrees, during the day – from 0 to +6 degrees.
On December 31, at night in some areas, in the morning and during the day throughout the country, precipitation in the form of wet snow and rain will occur.
Ice conditions and strong winds of up to 15-20 m/s are expected in some places. At night it will be from -3 to +3 degrees, during the day – from -1 to +5 degrees.
On January 1, in some areas, short-term precipitation in the form of wet snow and rain, icy conditions and strong winds with speeds of up to 15-20 m/s are expected.
At night there will be from 3 degrees below zero to 2 degrees above zero, during the day – from -1 to +5 degrees.