Unexpected facts about coffee: what you didn’t know about your favorite drink

15.09.2024 06:50
Updated: 27.09.2024 21:06

The history of this drink is quite interesting: an Ethiopian shepherd once noticed that the goats he was tending began to behave extremely excitedly after eating the fruits of the coffee tree.

The young man decided to tell the abbot of the monastery about this observation. The latter, having checked the properties of the product, was very surprised by the tonic function of the drink. And to this day, a large number of people love coffee.

Even though this is a legend, there is still some truth to it.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Of course, many people know about the harm of coffee. For example, about the increased risk of obesity, the risk of early death, or the damage to tooth enamel.

True, there are inveterate coffee lovers who pay absolutely no attention to this, but average coffee lovers are still concerned about their health.

Scientists have found that the effect of coffee on the human body depends on the time of day.

It should not be consumed in the evening, because the drink disrupts normal sleep, but it is better to drink it in the morning, the tonic properties will be very useful to perk up.

For those who watch their weight, it is important to take into account that the preservatives contained in instant coffee accelerate the appearance of that very cellulite.

Full metabolism also suffers.

Australian scientists have discovered that drinking 6 cups of the drink a day increases the amount of fat deposits in the abdominal area.

This is caused by the chlorogenic acid contained in natural coffee. But in small quantities it is even beneficial for the body. You can drink one cup before training to avoid getting tired longer.

Coffee has another amazing property that was discovered by scientists from Harvard: its effect on the production of dopamine and serotonin.

Having a beneficial effect on the human brain, the drink seems to improve mood and concentration.

As a result, people who drink coffee are much less likely to think about suicide.

Because this invigorating drink increases blood pressure, hypertensive patients are advised to refrain from drinking it. But if the pressure is low, coffee will help to increase it.

Scientists from Japan have proven that even one cup of the drink improves blood flow. And, strangely enough, people who drink it have a 26% lower risk of heart disease than those who vehemently protest against it. Madrid scientists have discovered that it is filtered coffee that has the above-mentioned property.

If we analyze the harm that coffee does to tooth enamel, then perhaps only that, due to microcracks, the dye from the tonic drink is quickly absorbed into the enamel itself.

Sudden changes in temperature are extremely harmful for it, which is why you cannot drink hot coffee with cold ice cream or in frosty weather.

But Italian scientists have proven that caffeine stops and has a preventive effect against caries, because it has bactericidal properties. But this will be true only if you drink coffee strictly without cream and sugar.

This invigorating drink can also help prevent the development of cancer and tumors of the mouth, throat, and liver if you drink more than four cups a day. This will cut the risk in half.

But there is one caveat: since the caffeine content of coffee itself is about 1500 mg/l, this drink can be addictive, similar to nicotine. That is why some people cannot wake up without that one "magic" cup.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

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