Grapes are a refined and tasty product, so the active interest in them is easy to explain.
It is also worth remembering that grapes are actively used in winemaking.
There are many varieties of the product, which differ in taste, size and scope of application. Some of them seem quite surprising and interesting.

Which varieties are very rare and unusual?
"Witch's fingers"
Grapes with such an exotic name grow exclusively in the United States. Moreover, only one producer produces them.
The berries resemble human fingers in shape. The color of the product is black. Such an unusual product was developed in the early 2000s. However, the first sales started only after 2010.
Due to the limited supply of grapes, the price is high. It is considered to taste somewhat like cotton candy.
Ruby grapes
This variety was also bred with the help of humans. This variety is considered the most expensive in the world. The cost of just one bunch exceeds five thousand dollars.
However, this grape is considered the most delicious, sweet and aesthetically attractive.
Rainbow Grapes
This variety of the plant is not as rare as the previous ones, but it is also rarely found on open sale. The peculiarity of the grapes is that each berry has its own color.
The taste of the product is also quite different from the usual. It is worth noting that rainbow grapes are a very good investment for a summer resident, as they can bring about ten kilograms of quality harvest per season.