Posters and paintings on the walls can make your house or apartment cozy, stylish and fashionable.
Elena Shimanovskaya image production Interior design harm Design and interior 11 June 2023We tell you about the best places to store cash.
Timur Khomichev money storage house life hacks Useful tips 21 April 2023To correct the existing flaws in the premises, it is not always necessary to start a tedious and expensive repair.
Elena Shimanovskaya repair art Interior Designer's tips Design and interior 19 April 2023The interior of any room is not only furniture and decoration.
Elena Shimanovskaya Interior alternative Designer's tips Design and interior 28 March 2023A panel made from logs is a stylish addition to the interior.
Elena Shimanovskaya tree Interior Designer's tips Design and interior 24 February 2023Oil paintings are distinguished by their sophistication and appearance. However, the placement of such paintings should always be approached responsibly.
Elena Gutyro paintings board apartment Useful tips 25 January 2023