Why Cats Are Afraid of Water: Debunking Myths

03.02.2025 20:27

The question of why many cats avoid water has to do with their evolution, physiology, and individual experience.

Here are the main reasons.

Evolutionary prerequisites

Origin of the species: Domestic cats are descended from African wildcats (Felis silvestris lybica) that lived in arid regions. They did not have much contact with water, so swimming was not a natural skill.

Instincts: Water is associated with danger (for example, predators that may be waiting in bodies of water). In addition, wet fur slows down movement, which is critical for survival in the wild.

Physiological features

Fur: Cat fur takes a long time to dry. Wet fur becomes heavy, disrupts thermoregulation and causes discomfort.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Sensitivity to smells: Water can wash away a cat's natural scent, which is important for marking territory and communicating with other cats.

Hearing and sensory: The sound of water (such as running water from a tap) can irritate their sensitive hearing.

Negative experience

If a cat is forcibly bathed, doused with water, or caught in the rain, this may reinforce the fear. Such situations are perceived as stressful and threatening.

Individual differences

Breed: Some cats (e.g. Turkish Van, Bengal, Maine Coon) are genetically more prone to interacting with water. The Turkish Van has even earned the nickname "swimming cat."

Personality: Curious cats may play with dripping water or paw at a bowl, but that doesn't mean they're ready to dive into a bath.

Exceptions to the Rules

Cats may be interested in running water (such as from a tap) because they instinctively prefer fresh running water to stagnant water.

Some individuals are accustomed to water from childhood and are not afraid to swim, especially if it is associated with play or positive reinforcement.

What to do if a cat is afraid of water?

  • Do not force her to bathe unless absolutely necessary (for example, when treating her for parasites).
  • Use dry shampoo to clean the coat.
  • Introduce water gradually: start with games at the sink or puddles on the floor.
  • Always remain calm to avoid adding to your stress.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Internet resource editor

  1. Evolutionary prerequisites
  2. Physiological features
  3. Negative experience
  4. Individual differences
  5. Exceptions to the Rules