Why Do Cats Scratch Furniture: Tips on How to Stop Your Pet

02.06.2024 02:50

Cats scratch furniture for several reasons. First, they do it to mark their territory and leave their scent.

Secondly, scratching helps them keep their claws in order. Thirdly, it is an instinctive behavior, embedded at the genetic level.

To prevent furniture damage, it is important to understand the reasons for this behavior in cats and find alternative ways to meet their needs.

For example, you can purchase special scratching posts and encourage your cat to sharpen its claws on them rather than on the sofa.

It will also be helpful to have a few toys and play with your pet regularly to distract him from the furniture.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Another effective method is to apply a special repellent spray with the scent of citrus or bitter nut to vulnerable areas.

Cats don't like such smells. You can also use double-sided tape or foil stickers - if you try to scratch the furniture, the cat will get unpleasant sensations on its paws.

Overall, getting rid of this problem requires patience and attention to the needs of your pet.

With the right approach, you can redirect your cat's instincts into a peaceful direction and maintain the integrity of your home environment.

If the above methods do not help and your cat continues to scratch your furniture, it may be because he is not getting enough opportunities to climb and explore.

In this case, it is worth providing her with more activities and activities.

One option is to install special shelves, ladders or houses on the walls so that the cat can climb up and survey the space from a height.

You can also place play complexes for her with multi-level platforms, tunnels and manholes.

It would be useful to create a "claw kingdom" for the cat - a small corner with posts for scratching covered with rope or carpet.

There she will be able to fully realize her instincts without harming the environment.

In addition, the cat needs daily active games with the owner.

This could be a laser pointer, a toy mouse on a string, a regular string or a ball. The main thing is to engage the pet's hunting instinct.

By satisfying your cat's natural needs to climb, hunt, and scratch acceptable surfaces, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of it damaging furniture and interior items.

In conclusion, here are some basic tips to help prevent your domestic cat from scratching your furniture:

1. Provide your cat with its own scratching posts and encourage their use.
2. Trim nails regularly to reduce the need to scratch.
3. Use scented repellents or double-sided tape.
4. Install shelves, ladders and climbing structures.
5. Organize a "claw kingdom" with surfaces that are acceptable for scratching.
6. Play actively with your cat every day and engage its hunting instinct.
7. Get used to using a nail post from an early age.
8. Trim your nails regularly, without waiting for them to grow too long.
9. Ignore scratching of inappropriate surfaces and do not reinforce this behavior with attention.
10. If there is no effect, contact a veterinarian or felinologist.

Earlier we talked about what it means if a cat sleeps at its owner’s feet.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Internet resource editor