Pet owners sometimes have to work hard to achieve mutual understanding with their pet.
Experts advise paying more attention to the body language or behavior of pets. For example, dogs can tell their owners a lot, not only by wagging their tails.
We'll tell you what signs indicate the happiest dog.

First of all, a good appetite
If the dog eats well, it means that the owner follows the daily routine, monitors the four-legged one’s diet and does not forget to pamper him with something healthy.
It's just the opposite if the dog has no appetite. In this case, you need to not only go to the vet, but also completely reconsider the conditions of keeping the animal.
Secondly, how does a dog sleep?
A dog can come to its sleeping owner at night and lie down next to him.
The gesture can be interpreted in any way, but a loving pet will be happy to thank you for the care shown.
So he can protect the sleeping person or he just likes to be close and feel the presence of the owner.
Thirdly, the view
It is said that it is not a good idea to look a dog in the eye. Animals can interpret this gesture as an attempt at dominance or preparation for an attack.
The dog's intent gaze at its owner is explained in a completely different way. Most likely, the dog is admitting that he is happy and that he is glad of the owner's presence.
Fourth, the wagging tail
This is a well-known sign of joy and happiness that will never deceive.
Earlier we talked about why you should bathe your cat in the sink , not in the bathtub.