Why You Should Read Before Bed: 3 Reasons

23.01.2025 14:38

What do you usually do before going to bed?

Watching TV or "sitting" on your smartphone? This is bad! Such habits do not contribute to better sleep.

What's the best thing to do an hour before your night's rest? Read a book!

Reading before bed is a smart decision. For three reasons.

Reading helps relieve stress

Immersion in the world of literature helps to distract oneself from problems.

Photo: © Belnovosti

A person temporarily forgets about the difficulties associated with family and work.

This relaxation allows you to prepare for sleep.

Just don't read horror novels or complex technical literature at night.

Distraction from TV and smartphone

A book is an ideal alternative to devices with a screen.

A person who reads a book in the evening takes a break from devices. And this contributes to sound sleep.

Brain training

Reading allows you to gain new knowledge and increase your vocabulary.

Evening is the perfect time for this hobby: silence, no distractions.

Considering all of the above, we can draw the following conclusion: you need to form a habit of reading before going to bed. This pastime helps you relax, tune in to sleep, and at the same time “train” your brain.

Kurchev Anton Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief

  1. Reading helps relieve stress
  2. Distraction from TV and smartphone
  3. Brain training