Looking back over a lifetime, no matter how long it has been, everyone will find a few moments they would like to forget.
Envying people who do not cry over their past mistakes, a weak person calls them frivolous and will continue to grieve over what cannot be changed.
In fact, it was necessary to understand long ago that it is impossible to live without mistakes in principle, and what cannot be corrected is best forgotten.
However, not everyone can forget, and these memories naturally provoke stress.
Fortunately, there are several ways to help correct the situation.
Self-help methods
1. First, you need to throw out everything that has accumulated over many days or years.
How to do this? Try to talk through the whole situation that constantly pulls you into the past.
It is possible that someone will have to ask for forgiveness for the act committed.
You can write these thoughts on paper and burn them, but this is more of a ritual than practical help.
2. Then draw a line that you must forbid yourself from crossing. It will take an effort of will and the recognition that you in the past and present are two different people.
Finally, justify yourself by saying that at that moment you did not have enough experience and knowledge to make the right choice and promise yourself not to do anything like that in the future.
3. Now try to look at the situation that is bothering you from a different angle.
For example, you could become a lead guitarist, but you work as a lathe operator. Is it hard to find the positives?
At the very least, you have a rare profession these days, a stable income, and you can devote more time to yourself and your family. If that's not enough for you, keep looking!
But the most important thing in this whole situation is to understand that up to a certain point, each of us has the opportunity to fix everything and start, if not from the beginning, then at least from the middle, skipping all the most boring and uninteresting.