Until recently, it was believed that a person needs exactly 21 days to form a healthy habit.
As recent research has shown, this is nothing more than another myth that does not stand up to criticism.
The author of this theory is the author of the book "Psycho-Cybernetics" Maxwell Maltz, who was criticized by employees of the University of South Australia.
The results of the work were published in the publication Healthcare.
What was found out?
Having conducted the necessary research, scientists came to the conclusion that on average, a healthy person needs almost two months to get used to new useful rules.
We are talking about 59-66 days, and in some cases a healthy habit is formed no earlier than 106-154 days.
Moreover, the formation of a habit depends on a number of factors. And we can talk about some result after a year.
For example, if we are talking about developing an active lifestyle habit or changing your diet, then it will not be possible to do it in three weeks.
But the most important thing is that the result depends on whether the new habit brings satisfaction to the person.