Want to get to know a new acquaintance better, but communication is clearly not enough to get the information you need? Then analyze his gait!
The thing is, character can influence the way a person walks.
Yes, yes, gait depends, among other things, on temperament.

What does a fast step mean?
If a person walks quickly, then he is most likely distinguished by his ability to work.
It is possible that we are talking about a person with a strong-willed character. Such a person is not used to giving in and giving in.
What does a measured step indicate?
But the one who walks slowly and calmly, apparently, is a self-confident and open person who can quite afford to relax.
What do drooping shoulders and head mean?
If a person leans forward while walking, or even looks at the ground, then it is possible that this is a manifestation of isolation and shyness.
However, there is nothing terrible about this. Surely we are talking about a person who is distinguished by politeness and readiness to come to the rescue at any moment.
What does the "chest forward" gait mean?
A person who does not hunch over while walking and even holds his head high is probably open and ready for dialogue.
Such a personality certainly attracts others with his charm.
Earlier we listed the habits that prevent a person from becoming happy.