What 3 Personality Traits Prevent Us From Finding Friends: Experts' Opinion

09.06.2024 17:30

Not all people know how to build harmonious friendships.

You shouldn't think that this is bad luck, an unfortunate combination of circumstances, or the absence of suitable people around.

Sometimes it's worth paying attention to yourself: sometimes we ourselves are the cause of our personal loneliness.

young woman
Photo: © Belnovosti

What character traits are worth knowing about

Focusing only on yourself

No one wants to be friends with someone who only thinks about themselves. Therefore, in friendship, it is worth paying attention not only to your own person and personal problems, experts note.

Also take an interest in the affairs and lives of your loved ones.


It is difficult to maintain relationships with such people because they can say unpleasant things in an emotional outburst. Not everyone is ready to tolerate this.

Therefore, it is worth exercising restraint and not saying things that you might later regret.


If you are friends with a person, then you should definitely not say bad or simply unpleasant things about them behind their back. Sooner or later, these words will reach the person. It will be difficult to restore the relationship.

We previously talked about why we love to criticize each other .

Marina Michalap Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor

  1. What character traits are worth knowing about
  2. Focusing only on yourself
  3. Irritability
  4. Hypocrisy

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