If you want to become one of those who communicate with people easily and naturally, use the tips in this article - they will help you achieve what you want.
Put your phone in airplane mode
This needs to be done so that nothing distracts you during communication - don't worry, if you answer a call or message a little later, nothing bad will happen.
Look for common ground
If you find it difficult to make acquaintances on your own, ask a friend for help – this technique is equally good both in real life and when communicating online. If you and your interlocutor do not have mutual acquaintances, look for topics that are close to both of you – do not be afraid to ask questions and talk about yourself.

Ask unusual questions
Continuing with the previous point, people who discuss personal topics become closer at a subconscious level. Ask your new acquaintance everything that others would like to know but were afraid to ask. Additional questions will help clarify the information, for example: “What was the most frightening act in your life?”, “Which trip do you remember more than others?” etc.
Look people in the eye
Another way to get closer to your interlocutor is to look directly into his eyes. In this way, you can demonstrate your sincere interest in your opponent.
The manner in which you communicate with people is very important. You should help the interlocutor to believe in himself, support him and give him advice. Tell about your experience and charge the person with energy for new achievements. In this way, you will make a positive impression on him and he will want to meet you again.
Earlier we talked about how not to lose a friend who has children.