How to Build Personal Psychopower for Emotional Stability

25.03.2024 10:12

To resist emotional burnout of any kind, a person needs to bring and control the psyche into a state of harmony.

This is one of the defining factors of stress resistance, because a person makes most mistakes in a state of disharmony.

It is possible to increase mental strength in two directions: through personal attitude and through the correct perception of external influences, says psychologist Andrei Kashkarov .

For personal mood and building up of psychopower, systematic positive impressions are necessary. For stress resistance to external factors, events and influences, it is necessary to form a safe attitude for the psyche.

Personal actions

One way to preserve your psyche in turbulent times is to consciously escape from reality. No, we don’t mean “forgetting” through medication or alcohol. We are talking about self-hypnosis and positive surprises. If the latter are not enough, they must be consciously sought out and used.

Photo: Pixabay

Help of affirmations

Specific thought patterns influence a person's emotions, which affects their behavior and attitude toward life in general. Try to imagine that you are not there.

For no one, including on social networks. Thinking about the question: "What if I'm not here?" - you will understand that for others there will be no particular loss, and you will suddenly feel better.

Exclusively because in this way you stop thinking about the eternal question "what will people say?" or "who will think what about me?" If you "don't exist" (de facto you exist) you become freer in both your assessments of what is happening and your own decisions regarding the situation.

The following phrase from a joke is also appropriate: “And if I’m not there, they can even beat me.” Thus, you become even more independent, including from negative information and experiences.

Consequently, you reduce the influence of anxiety on your emotional background, the formation and significance of your own negative thoughts in your assessments of the surrounding reality or specific people.

In psychology, this behavior pattern is defined as follows. A person does not become what others want him to be until he satisfies his needs. Refer only to the current situation when necessary. Do not recall the past.

The method of tuning into positive motives and impressions is associated with affirmations or self-hypnosis.

Tell yourself: "You are worrying in vain." Let it be. Perhaps someone is just trying to make you nervous. Answer only when you feel confident, when the situation is "ripe."

With such a temporary approach, at least you are not re-educating others - the most thankless task, but changing yourself.

Don't worry about sociopathy and unforgiveness

Moreover, the situation is not akin to sociopathy (the definition has clear criteria). Sociopaths are not liked in society, because they have their own opinion, are basically uncontrollable and often unpredictable.

Basically, those who try to achieve their goals through you in one way or another, i.e. manipulators, do not like you. But why do you care about someone's opinions if you are saving your psyche (which is in danger) at the moment, when someone in society itself cannot or does not want to help you. And conversations, admonitions or even sympathy will not fix the matter.

The topic is appropriately related to the addiction to consumption. “Once the writers Kurt Vonnegut and Joseph Heller met in a luxurious house at a party given by a New York billionaire.

"The owner of the house made more money in one day than you made in the entire publication of Catch-22. How about that?" Vonnegut asked.

"So what?" Heller shrugged. "But I have something he'll never have. I already have enough money. But he doesn't."

If the problem is of a personal nature

If your problem is personal, remember that true love does not fade. It lives in the heart. If you can't help but remember your ex, don't force yourself (and how is that possible?), but change your attitude to "I only do nice things for my ex when I remember them."

This won't happen right away, but gradually you will find yourself in harmony with yourself and well-being. You will realize your creative potential. Sincerely admit (at least to yourself) your mistakes and remember: forgiveness exists for everyone - if not from a specific person, then from a more powerful sphere.

Work on changing "automatic thoughts" to rational ones. For example, you already know that a person is happy in simple life situations. Laughing with children, picking berries, being in nature, fooling around, riding a bus from one end to the other without any goal, like in childhood...

The rest, although important, is brought in, superficial. Happiness is when children are healthy. Happiness is already in waking up with a good mood and a feeling of strength. Why you have enough of everything for happiness.

You do not notice only because your consciousness is in a restless state and you are oriented, tied in thoughts and actions to other affairs and plans. Temporary removal from affairs helps to remember these simple truths.

When there is a deficit of personal positive emotions, remember only positive moments - everyone has many of them in life. This is exactly the case when it is acceptable to "live in memories" for some time.

You don't need to get used to the isolation situation, but from time to time it is really useful and helps to accumulate personal mental strength.

Peculiarities of external perception

If you like something in the external environment, it makes you dependent on the environment. Unexpected joys over time become expected needs that you want again and again. Do not consider yourself the cause of all the imperfections in the world. Happiness is in simple things: in friendly hugs, a feeling of health, in a favorite activity. Maintaining this state is a certain amount of work, but it is within everyone's power to do so.

The details and examples can be different – from surprises related to travel and through success in sports activities, to satisfying natural human needs – in any creative way. Do what is not expected of you, and most importantly, what you have long dreamed of and have not managed to do before.

For example, if you haven't walked around the city at night for a long time, including in the capitals, now is the time to do it; you will find a lot of interesting things to do in spending time, you will see "other" sides of people's lives and, perhaps, you will enjoy just knowing them.

There is no need to be afraid – this is the only way to get positive surprises. Because surprises come from being unexpected. Of course, a certain kind of courage is needed to realize dreams and desires.

So, one of the few effective ways to accumulate personal power is through conscious distancing and solitude. Incidentally, a recent survey of thousands of women with young children revealed a predictable trend: among other things, they dream of rest.

After restoring and accumulating personal power, you will be able to solve pressing problems more successfully and without mistakes.

Earlier we talked about what foods you should definitely eat in the spring.

Valeria Kisternaya Author: Valeria Kisternaya Internet resource editor

Andrey Kashkarov Expert: Andrey KashkarovExpert / Belnovosti

  1. Personal actions
  2. Help of affirmations
  3. Don't worry about sociopathy and unforgiveness
  4. If the problem is of a personal nature
  5. Peculiarities of external perception