How to Be a Good Friend When You're Busy: 5 Tips to Keep Your Friendship Going for Years

28.02.2024 14:04

As we know, an old friend is better than two new ones. However, in the modern world, filled with vanity and haste, we often forget about our friends.

How to maintain friendship even if we are very busy? You will find the answer in our article.

Organize large meetings

It may seem like getting together with a large group is not an easy task. In reality, it turns out that it is even easier to do than to meet one-on-one. In fact, all you need to do is plan everything in advance and devote the necessary time to preparation.

The Secret to Regular Meetings

Make meeting with friends a part of your routine by joining a club together, going to the gym, or going fishing with your loved ones every weekend.

Calls are an alternative to live communication

If fate has scattered you across different cities, fix the situation with the help of the phone. Make it a rule to call your friends every week on a certain day and time. They will eagerly await your call, and if you suddenly miss the call, they will call you themselves.

Photo: Pixabay

If you can't call, write

A message in a messenger will help you remind about yourself and your friendship. Mobile messengers and the availability of the Internet have significantly simplified and accelerated the process of text communication.

Use social networks

On the one hand, social networks and instant messengers make it much easier to communicate with friends and acquaintances. On the other hand, they can distort the very concept of friendship and lead to the replacement of real communication with virtual. Therefore, we should not forget that social networks are an addition to personal communication, not its replacement.

We previously wrote about how to respond to negative comments online.

Elena Shimanovskaya Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Internet resource editor

  1. Organize large meetings
  2. The Secret to Regular Meetings
  3. Calls are an alternative to live communication
  4. If you can't call, write
  5. Use social networks