In everyday life, we constantly have to deal with impudent people. As a rule, many do not know how to answer them and react correctly.
Making a scene or trying to explain something to them is useless. Therefore, it is worth remembering a few phrases that will help "put in their place" an impudent person.
"Sorry, but I don't agree"
This phrase is neutral and respectful, but at the same time clearly shows rejection of the behavior of an impudent person.

It also emphasizes the right to one's own opinion and personal space.
"Please respect my personal space."
You can use this phrase when an insolent passerby invades your personal space.
This will remind them of the need to respect other people's boundaries and will make them think about their behavior.
"I appreciate your opinion, but now is not the time for discussion."
This phrase helps to set boundaries and prevent the unpleasant situation from continuing. It also shows that there is no willingness to waste your time on useless arguments.
"Can I ask you not to do this?"
A simple, polite request may be enough to hint to an insolent passerby that their behavior is inappropriate.
This phrase calls attention to their actions and calls for a change in behavior.
"This is my personal decision and I would prefer to keep it to myself":
You can use this phrase if an impudent passerby tries to interfere in your personal affairs or decisions.
The phrase can be called universal, because it is suitable for any life circumstances.
"I prefer that you not discuss this with me":
The phrase can clearly show an impudent passerby that there is no desire to continue the conversation or discussion on this topic.
This expression allows you to immediately draw a line and show that further dialogue makes no sense.
Previously we talked about how to improve the quality of washing .