Surely everyone has acquaintances in their circle who can be called strange.
Such people can sometimes boast and be proud of things that are not generally talked about.
What reasons for pride and bragging are worth highlighting
A huge number of difficulties
Some people may share a problem hoping for some kind of emotional response, advice, or support. In response, they may hear that their difficulties are worthless.
At this point, he begins to share his difficulties, which always exceed yours.
It is important to understand that people do not share their pain in order to listen to your story and be left alone with the pain. They just want to express their emotions and get support, experts say.
But using your adversity as a source of pride is a strange decision.
A huge number of partners
In a certain layer of society it is still accepted to brag about the number of sexual partners. If a person tries to share this among well-mannered people, then few will want to communicate with him.
First of all, you shouldn't let the public in on the details of your personal life. In addition, the abundance of partners makes you not very attractive for creating a serious relationship with a worthy person.
The ability to "knock out" with your truthfulness
Honesty is a valuable human quality, but it is important to use it correctly, experts say. Even the truth can hurt a person and cause harm if it is not expressed in the most correct and delicate form.
So bragging about how you hurt people with the truth is not the most worthy reason to be proud.
Previously we talked about why we feel tired .