Psychologist Ulyana Timoshenko told how to become a successful woman

19.12.2023 21:20

There is a stereotype that a man's success is mainly related to the financial side of the issue.

Psychologist Ulyana Timoshenko told how to become a successful woman.

And if we talk about a woman's success, there is no clear answer. Some people think that women's success is connected with external beauty, while others will say that women's success is buying their own apartment and a good car, and the ability to provide for themselves.

There are people who believe that women's success lies in giving birth, raising and raising children, dedicating their lives to their home and husband. Where is the right answer? Is there one?

Modern women face a serious challenge, because modern women's success implies all these areas: self-realization, relationships, motherhood, and, of course, health and beauty. Women face significant demands on themselves, which often leads to depression and neuroses.

young woman
Photo: Pixabay

A woman's success is primarily manifested in the ability to set adequate priorities at certain moments in life and balance between different areas of life, such as relationships, self-realization, health, motherhood, hobbies, friends.

And when a woman builds all these spheres gradually and consistently, success awaits her. Even if a crisis moment comes and her husband leaves her or she suddenly loses her job, she will have many other supports that will allow her to recover in time.

But the most important area for a woman, as for any person, is physical and mental health, everything starts with it. If a woman does not have a life resource, then she will not be able to solve issues related to other areas.

The next important priority for a woman is relationships. Relationships that are built on love, mutual understanding, support. Many women put self-realization first, and they achieve success, but experience serious problems with the opposite sex.

Self-realization is an incredibly important area for a modern woman, but relationships should not be forgotten either.

Next comes an important priority - motherhood, of course, it is relevant for those women who want children. Now women can give birth at almost any time, but if you really want children, it is better not to postpone them until your late maturity.

When a woman has good health, takes care of herself, knows her interests and hobbies, has quality relationships, fulfillment and, perhaps, children, she will feel successful in the modern world, although her assessment will be influenced by her internal demands and attitudes.

It’s great when a woman combines self-realization with other areas, such as health and beauty, relationships, motherhood, hobbies, friends, then she has the resources to create her own business, to find herself as a specialist, to realize herself as an expert, freelancer, entrepreneur or employee.

Even if you have a wonderful family and you don't need to work, think about a hobby that can later become your income. Having fulfillment has a positive effect on a woman's self-perception and self-esteem.

The topic of women's success is a controversial and hotly debated issue, and it would be interesting to hear readers' opinions on what they consider to be true success for a modern woman.

Earlier we told you why a man disappears without explanation.

Valeria Kisternaya Author: Valeria Kisternaya Internet resource editor