Psychologist Anna Sventitskaya told how to become a successful woman

16.12.2023 20:52

1. Goal. Never make money your goal, you can't expect dizzying success.

Psychologist Anna Sventitskaya told how to become a successful woman.

It's better to think about where you'll spend them, who you want to see yourself as in 5, 10, 20 years or more. Draw an ideal picture of your life in your head.

Every day, month or year the details of the picture may change (for now you can buy an apartment with 2 rooms, and not 3 or 4, as you dreamed), but it will still be progress, because you are not standing still.

When choosing a goal, take into account all possible circumstances at that moment, because sometimes life changes dramatically without asking us.

young woman
Photo: Pixabay

2. Business planning and economic strategy. Many quotes from the rather successful actress and comedian Mindy Kaling include the phrase: “If you don’t see a clear path to what you want, then create one yourself.”

I heard this phrase several years ago, when I myself did not see a clear path, take note.

Success is based on clear planning, and it doesn’t matter where you write down your planned tasks – in a trendy app on your gadget or a simple paper diary. In the financial sphere, reasonable savings, keeping records of income and expenses, and mandatory analysis at the end of the month are required.

It is important to be able to manage finances – invest in business, education, household management, and health.

I will also tell you what you should not do: if you look at the happy smiles of successful people from social networks who say that you need to think like a rich person and buy only the best and most expensive things, then this can lead to great financial difficulties in the future.

3. Close the gestalts. A gestalt is a complete image.

The problem is a series of situations when you methodically put everything off "for later", and after a while you completely forget about the task you started. When you can't apply a plantain to life, clear planning saves: take a piece of paper and write out the accumulated tasks.

You will be able to move on and it will become much easier for you when check marks appear next to completed tasks - tested!

4. Appearance and a healthy body. As a doctor, I can say that your success depends not only on the above.

Deficiency of vitamins and minerals, exacerbation of chronic diseases will definitely prevent you from moving forward.

I won’t use cliches because I live a real life – few of us can afford to spend time every day in the gym and eat purely natural food from farms, adding popular avocados, arugula and olive oil.

Your task is to minimize the harm from the food you eat and plan daily walks. If something bothers you, consult a doctor, and no one has canceled scheduled check-ups.

The speed of a woman's success and the solution to the obstacles that arise on the way depend on her appearance: we are not talking about salon hairstyles and gel polish, ruffles and high heels. Accuracy and sophistication in every image, say "no" to a flashy image (yes, you will be noticed, but not as a business woman).

Mother Teresa repeatedly said, “Joy is power,” so a woman’s smile can move mountains, just try it – it’s already the beginning of success.

5. Self-education and connections. This is exactly what you definitely should not spare time and effort on, provided that you receive quality knowledge. Do not judge people by their wealth.

Remaining human today is worth a lot. Every contact in your address book, new acquaintances, sometimes even random ones, are valuable. Don't be afraid to ask for help, the worst that will happen is that they will simply refuse, and you will pave a new path for yourself in this case.

6. Priorities and time management. No, I won’t say in this article that money is easy, but you don’t have to work 24/7. Break the elephant into pieces and start doing it step by step.

The technique described by the 34th President of the United States – the Eisenhower matrix – will help you put your thoughts in order.

The matrix is a chart of task priority assessment: urgent and important; not urgent but important; urgent but unimportant; not urgent and unimportant.

The Pomodoro concentration technique will help you avoid burnout, and the limited time is even somewhat reminiscent of a strict deadline, when you give your best for the sake of the result, but know that after a certain time you can take a break and continue if you did not have time.

7. Stop comparing yourself to other women. We are all different. The only person to compare yourself to is yourself. There is no need to adapt to the standards imposed by society and relatives - you live your life, and let others realize themselves.

8. Internal settings. Always trust your choice. Every person should have an internal support, a core. This is especially important for a woman to protect herself from the intrusive advice of others.

No, I won’t tell you about affirmations for the Universe, which are literally shouted about on social networks.

You just need to always talk about yourself in a positive way. If you don’t want to share your successes with people, don’t belittle them – you can always direct the dialogue in a different direction or learn the principle from point 9.

9. Learn basic psychological techniques in communicating with people. Learn ways of deception in order to recognize lies in time, how to say "no" gracefully if you do not want to do something. No need to step over yourself.

Always remember that you are braver and stronger than you think. Every woman is beautiful and that is our strength.

Earlier we talked about why a woman shouldn’t pursue a man .

Valeria Kisternaya Author: Valeria Kisternaya Internet resource editor