A person's name is not just a set of sounds. A name can reflect character, destiny and basic manners.
Therefore, it is worth remembering a few names of women who in this life think only about themselves.
Anastasia is a real magnet for attention, in love with her reflection in the mirrors of public perception.

She is willing to do anything to satisfy her whims and desires, even if it means putting her needs above the needs of others.
In her world, everything revolves around her personal success, and she strives to make every moment of her life great.
Ekaterina is an independent woman who builds her life without taking into account the needs and feelings of others.
She moves forward even if it means clashing with the interests of others.
Her strategy is based on self-affirmation, and she is willing to sacrifice anything less to achieve her ambitions.
Irina strives for harmony, but only within her personal world.
She may be a beautiful example of balance, but that balance is determined by her own goals and desires.
Her selfishness is manifested in the fact that she prefers to stand in the center of her own peace, even if it is to the detriment of others.
Sonya is a master of survival, and her life is a world where everyone is for themselves. Her egoism is expressed in a constant struggle for personal well-being.
At the same time, it is necessary to understand that Sonya often cannot trust those around her.
Margarita strives for perfection in herself and her life.
Her egoism manifests itself in a constant desire for self-improvement. At the same time, Margarita ignores the needs and feelings of those around her.
It is important for her to emphasize her outstanding personality in a world that she sees as ideal due to her standards.