Cold-blooded. No empathy. People with reptilian stuffing inside.

27.06.2023 08:15

At school, people are introduced to the term "cold-blooded animals." These include reptiles, fish, insects, arachnids, and amphibians. For most, this type of fauna is not attractive: their appearance is too specific.

Now imagine a person with the same unattractive inner world. Cold-blooded people – this is what we will talk about in this article with psychologist Stanislav Sambursky .

Signs of cold-blooded people

Their cold nature does not get along with conscience and compassion. They are directors, actors and spectators all rolled into one. When a plan of action is drawn up, it is time to implement it and watch others suffer. Cold-blooded people do not know how to give. Taking and taking is the main goal. And here it is important to clarify that they often have a lack of energy resources. To replenish it, they have to draw it from their surroundings. It is noteworthy that with age, such egoism only progresses.

Also, a marker of the behavior of cold-blooded people will be a pronounced emphasis on the material. Money is of primary importance to them, rather than the spiritual component. Proof of this is the statistics, which say that they are most often women.

Why are "cold women" dangerous?

Men go crazy over such persons. They are attracted by the bright appearance, presentation and false energy. At first, the gentleman is on the verge of delight and euphoria, because the "star" went to him. He is not embarrassed that he will not be the first in the list of husbands, he will do everything possible to become the last.

Photo: Pixabay

After a while, when a woman completely devastates her partner, he will crawl away from her without strength and will join the list of tired and aged men's hearts. Devastation is a heavy burden and gives rise to a number of problems: alcoholism, cardiovascular and mental illnesses.

Cold-blooded and gratitude are on different parallels. Insatiability and the desire to take never run dry. Artistry, which perfectly embodies passion, pity, grief, etc., helps in achieving goals. It is simply impossible to help them. Mutual assistance will turn into violence against oneself, after which a long recovery will be required. Whereas the "cold-blooded" will get what he wants, disappear and will not say thank you.

Children as an energy tool

An important link in the energy supply are children. The mother cold-bloodedly imposes a negative image of the father on them in order to cut off all contact between them. Children will definitely be needed in the future, so they cannot give their energy to someone else.

Most often, such women have many children. They start feeding with the weakest, manipulating and instilling a sense of guilt. They don’t care about their moral state, problems and plans. The main thing is to feed energetically.

How to recognize a reptile

At the beginning of acquaintance such a person resembles a fox from Russian fairy tales. He appears before the victim as a kind, gentle flatterer. He knows how to win over and evoke pity, which is extremely difficult to ignore after "beautiful" speeches.

Usually after the first meeting with a "cold-blooded" person, a note of doubt arises about the truthfulness of what was said and the image that was formed. And here it is important not to discard this thought, but to develop it in order to recognize lies and manipulation in time. Vigilance at the first stage will protect against serious consequences in the future.

Belnovosti Author: Belnovosti Editing of the Internet portal

  1. Signs of cold-blooded people
  2. Why are "cold women" dangerous?
  3. Children as an energy tool
  4. How to recognize a reptile