How to Find Your Dream Job: Questions to Ask Yourself

05.06.2023 14:57

Before building a dream castle where a person would like to be, it is important to understand what the foundation of this castle is.

Analyze what you do, what you like and what you don’t like. What you would like to do, and what you definitely need to leave.

In fact, a huge number of people do not understand what they do not like to do and plan their profession based on external factors.

Someone's friend works like that, either because there's a lot of money there, or because such work is considered prestigious in society. But you need to choose a job based on other principles. And the first thing that's important to understand is how you definitely don't want to work, says Polina Mustafina , a sales and personal brand mentor.

The second thing is to remember what you liked to do as a child, to communicate with your mother, with your father. Many true desires are hidden in childhood, because children do not think about what is prestigious or where there is more money.

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They sincerely do what they like, what brings pleasure. Remember: what games did you play? Someone was a teacher, someone was a doctor.

For example, a real story of my child's nanny. All her childhood she dreamed of becoming a caregiver, a teacher, working with children, but her relatives told her that there was little money in this field. In the end, she went to study tourism. But, after finishing 2 years, she dropped out of school because she didn't like it, and listened to herself.

She realized that she had long wanted to be a caregiver or a teacher, she liked working with children. But because of relatives, attitudes and money principles, she went in the wrong direction. Now she does what she likes. So she got her dream job.

Another question that will help is what would you do if you had all the money in the world? Imagine that you no longer had to work for money, what would you do?

If the first thing that came to mind was "relaxing", "enjoying it" or "lying on the beach", then it's time for a vacation. Relax, take a break and then ask yourself this question again and think. For example, I know for sure that I would also communicate with people, pass on knowledge and I would definitely be in my place.

The fourth thing you can do to find your dream job is to expand your brain's horizons. Because if you know 10 professions, you can only dream about them. They are familiar to you and you don't know how to do it differently.

But there are a ton of jobs you might not even know about.

For example, my mom doesn't know what copywriting is because she hasn't encountered it. What if it's her dream job? When you know 1000 or more options, only then will you be able to understand what you can choose from.

And lastly, it is important to choose a job based on what is easy for you to do. Very often, a person devalues what is easy.

For example, I have always passed on knowledge. If you think about it, even at school, at university, I helped others, and it was easy. But I devalued it, because it seemed that everyone could do it.

Such devaluation is a childhood attitude, because "work is hard work", if "you're not tired, it means you didn't work hard enough". But in fact, what comes easy to you, what your relatives ask you to help with, what advice your friends ask for - this will be your dream job. Because there you won't have to strain yourself too much, but you will do what you like.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Internet resource editor