For many people, the prospect of the inevitable onset of old age is very alarming.
First of all, this is due to the fact that we have formed an incorrect idea about this stage of human life.
What are three false stereotypes to remember?
The old man is constantly sick
No one is immune from developing diseases at any age, but this does not mean that they should play a decisive role in our lives.

If you have taken care of your health over the years, then in old age you will not have as many health problems as you might think.
Lack of interesting activities
On the contrary, old age offers a wonderful opportunity to occupy your leisure time with your favorite activities. Many people master new hobbies (from a foreign language to astrology) and even monetize their talents in old age.
If you have the right mindset for the future, you can continue to do your own thing in retirement.
There is no place for love
Experts note that love has no "age limit", which is why there are inspiring stories about mature marriages and tender relationships between older people.
In old age, we look at the opposite sex in a completely different way, because we want to find a person to our liking. But this does not mean that it is impossible to achieve the set goal.