Psychologist Valery Gut told how money influences a person

25.03.2023 13:00

Research scientists of the 20th century, studying people’s attitudes towards money and their behavior, came to the conclusion that it is a certain element of culture.

Valery Gut, PhD in Psychology and developer of the theory of adaptive intelligence, spoke about how money influences a person.

In our country, there are many attitudes that we hear day after day: “You can’t earn all the money”, “Money is evil”, “You can’t make a fortune honestly”, etc. We don’t have the habit of the right attitude towards money, the culture of saving it and even spending it.

Money is involved in all areas of our lives: relationships, values, needs. Our attitude to money is formed by our parents.

Using their example, we begin to perceive money in a certain way and we treat it this way throughout our lives.

Photo: Pixabay

Historically, it has been believed that money belongs only to powerful people. According to Karl Marx, in ancient times, people thought that gold and silver belonged only to rulers and gods because they thought differently, had unconventional thinking.

People's attitudes towards money change their attitudes towards the people who earn this money.

The basic understanding of why a person needs money is also vague, because with the help of money we can cover different needs: security, freedom, acceptance. However, these needs can be met without financial participation, having learned to build relationships, having a sense of inner freedom and security.

Often money becomes just an end goal. Then its presence does not bring satisfaction.

Money rather reveals what is hidden inside. The behavior of a person who has become rich becomes different. But it is determined by deep values.

If a person lived on an average income and managed to get rich, he finds himself in different conditions - yes, habits may change, but, in essence, only the outer shell changes, and not the inner qualities.

Many wealthy people are against spoiling their children too much. They try to show them the value of material resources. One of the richest people on the planet, Bill Gates, once said: “I definitely think that leaving money to children in huge amounts is definitely not a good idea.”

"It has long been known that money spoils a person. But the lack of money spoils him even more," is a famous phrase from Eldar Ryazanov's film "Zigzag of Fortune."

Lack of funds, large debts, inability to provide a certain standard of living - all this becomes the cause of the breakdown of families, the destruction of friendly relations, deep depressions. In relations with money, the ability to manage them plays a decisive role.

If you approach this issue consciously, then money will not only not spoil, but will also transform a person’s life for the better.

Valeria Kisternaya Author: Valeria Kisternaya Internet resource editor