Willpower is when a person sets a specific task for himself and simply takes it and does it.
Psychologist Elena Katsyuba told how to develop willpower.
Conversely, the lack of action to achieve a goal or complete a task indicates that there is no willpower.

The point is that performing actions is usually a complex and energy-consuming task, and the brain must clearly understand why it needs all this.
So, if we decide, for example, to learn Chinese, but do not plan to live or work in China, our goal will be meaningless. In such a case, it is unlikely that the brain will allow us to take complex steps and actions to do something about it.
The most important thing when setting a goal is to understand why you need it, otherwise willpower will not manifest itself in any way.
Often, the obstacle to the development of will is ordinary fear. Sometimes it manifests itself much stronger than the desire to achieve what is desired, and then the will will be blocked again.
Another important point is when a person sincerely believes that the goal is quite feasible and everything will be fine, but is afraid of the upcoming work front. He fears that he simply will not be able to complete many tasks.
In this case, they say that "you need to eat an elephant one piece at a time", that is, break a large task into a number of small ones and perform them sequentially. But here, too, a problem may arise: how can you cut this very elephant into small pieces?
To do this, you need to have a clear plan of action and an understanding of “what exactly I want.”
Also, the lack of willpower can hide the so-called learned helplessness. If we have already taught ourselves that nothing will work out for us and that we are not capable of anything, then no matter what benefits the potential achievement of some goal promises us, we have clearly decided for ourselves that “nothing will work out.”
In such a situation, we are not inclined to take any steps at all and explain the situation by a supposed lack of willpower.
So, is it possible to do something if one or several of the above-mentioned moments are characteristic of us? Will it be possible to develop willpower in such a situation? Yes, of course. After all, we control our brain ourselves, and it does not control us.
This will require overcoming unnecessary fears and emotions, and, accordingly, spending huge resources of the body, which, in principle, is always unprofitable. In my opinion, the best solution would be to contact a professional psychologist.
But someone can cope with the problem on their own - by studying and applying the necessary “tricks” in practice.
And then for you, performing any complex task will seem no more difficult than, for example, simply brushing your teeth.