According to the predictions of Michel Nostradamus, the conflict in Ukraine may end next year.
Timur Khomichev Ukraine Ukraine News Nostradamus's predictions conflict in Ukraine Society 22 December 2024There is just over a month left until the start of the new calendar year. Now many people are probably wondering: "What awaits us in 2025?"
Kurchev Anton Nostradamus's predictions Vanga Vanga's predictions forecast for 2025 People and Events 17 November 2024According to the predictions of Nostradamus and Vanga, war may begin in Europe in 2025.
Timur Khomichev Vanga Russia News of Russia predictions People and Events 5 November 2024According to the predictions of a number of famous seers, the next year will be difficult.
Timur Khomichev Vanga Russia News of Russia predictions Society 31 October 2024According to the predictions of the French astrologer Michel Nostradamus, the year 2025 does not promise anything good for humanity.
Timur Khomichev Nostradamus's predictions prediction predictions prophecy Society 11 October 2024According to the predictions of Vanga and Nostradamus, this year will be a turning point for the whole world.
Timur Khomichev Vanga predictions Vanga's predictions Nostradamus's predictions People and Events 8 August 2024American prisoner files thousands of lawsuits, including against Bush Jr. and Nostradamus.
Igor Zur interesting facts Guinness Book of Records statement Pope Records and anti-records 11 April 2024Experts who deciphered Nostradamus' message say that, according to the text, a new ruler will appear in the Old World in 2024.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news Nostradamus's predictions New Year prediction People and Events 27 December 2023According to the predictions of many famous seers, humanity will face serious trials next year.
Timur Khomichev Vanga Wolf Messing prediction predictions People and Events 22 December 2023According to the predictions of the French astrologer Michel Nostradamus, the next year will be a year of serious upheavals.
Timur Khomichev Russia prediction prophecy Nostradamus's predictions News of Russia People and Events 15 December 2023Unfortunately, the predictions of the clairvoyant from Bulgaria and the fortune teller from France turned out to be disappointing.
Kurchev Anton Vanga prediction a pandemic meteorite People and Events 4 June 2023The French astrologer Michel Nostradamus left many frightening predictions.
Timur Khomichev astrology prediction prophecy People and Events 15 May 2023