Among the tricks and tips that housewives use every day to keep their homes clean, you can also find some rather unusual “tricks”.
Elena Shimanovskaya bathroom shampoo cleaning the apartment life hacks Useful tips 17 October 2023Many people have a dangerous "evening" habit - looking in the mirror.
Kurchev Anton Human evening dreams folk signs People and Events 17 October 2023Defects on a mirror most often arise due to failure to maintain the impeccable cleanliness of the glass surface.
Elena Shimanovskaya cleaning the apartment order cleanliness means Useful tips 6 October 2023Looking in the mirror while eating is a bad omen.
Kurchev Anton food beauty happiness folk signs People and Events 30 September 2023Many people believe that certain morning activities help attract good luck.
Kurchev Anton Human words luck folk signs People and Events 27 September 2023In order for mirrors to decorate the interior, they need to be placed correctly.
Marina Michalap design Interior Designer's tips Design and interior 23 September 2023The cramped, stuffy feeling in the bedroom is clearly not conducive to restoring your strength.
Kurchev Anton bedroom space tricks Designer's tips Design and interior 22 September 2023The mirror is considered an important element of the bedroom interior.
Kurchev Anton bedroom dreams danger folk signs Useful tips 20 September 2023Many people don't even realize that there are several things in the apartment that can cause fear in pets.
Kurchev Anton dogs things fear cloth Pets 18 September 2023A mirror is an interior detail that can easily transform a cramped room into a spacious one.
Kurchev Anton apartment design lamps Designer's tips Design and interior 12 September 2023According to popular belief, the furnishings in the bedroom influence the life of a married couple.
Kurchev Anton bedroom spouses television plants folk signs People and Events 25 August 2023Lack of free space in the hallway is a common problem.
Kurchev Anton hallway design world Designer's tips Design and interior 23 August 2023There are a huge number of signs and beliefs associated with the mirror.
Kurchev Anton apartment words luck folk signs People and Events 17 August 2023A mirror will become an interior decoration and make the room cozy only if it is placed correctly.
Kurchev Anton apartment design mistakes Designer's tips Design and interior 17 August 2023Many people consider a mirror to be a mystical object that can accumulate energy.
Kurchev Anton Love friendship danger folk signs People and Events 15 August 2023Housewives are not always satisfied with the results of cleaning their apartment. Thus, stains often remain on the floor, furniture, glass, mirrors and other surfaces.
Kurchev Anton cleaning the apartment glass methods the rules Useful tips 6 August 2023In order to make the appearance of the premises luxurious, it is not at all necessary to buy expensive furniture.
Kurchev Anton apartment design picture Designer's tips Design and interior 4 August 2023Interior design professionals call mirrors universal items.
Elena Shimanovskaya Interior design properties Designer's tips Design and interior 14 July 2023Not all housewives know why they need to wipe a mirror with potatoes.
Marina Michalap board hostess potato cleaning the apartment Useful tips 9 July 2023Sometimes the rest area turns out to be too cramped: after installing a bed and a couple of bedside tables, there is almost no free space left.
Sergey Tumanov bedroom doors tricks Designer's tips Design and interior 30 June 2023